From ERF 2023, the doors of the field of robotics are wide open

The European Robotics Festival is one of a kind event in the field of robotics. This means that MAPWORMS couldn’t miss the chance to attend the appointment set from 14 to 16 March in Odense, Denmark. If you are asking why, let us introduce you to the wonder of what’s held in three days of pure science.

ERF 2023 gathers every year researchers, engineers, managers, and a growing number of entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and public funding officers from all across Europe to discuss how innovation in robotics and robotics-related AI can be accelerated, with a necessary reference to the demand and supply coming from the market. 

The confrontation coming from the participation of so many stakeholders in the fields of robotics aims to strengthen the competitiveness in order to come to better solutions when it comes to robots and to improve the development of new robotics technologies exploitable for private and public use. 

This is why the European Robotics Festival has gained its reputation overtime and why MAPWORMS couldn’t wait to make its appearance at ERF 2023.

MAPWORMS: not only the fields of robotics, but medical applications too

Professor Arianna Menciassi, responsible for the project, was waving the banner with MAPWORMS colours at ERF2023 where the objectives of the project were introduced for the first time during such a large event focused on robotics.

As part of the change we want to see in the world and especially in the robotic industry, the MAPWORMS team was ready to explain the power of the future applications of our project on many levels. In particular, it was in our best interests to make it clear that the outcome of our project has the potential to find a place in the field of medical applications and not only in the robotics one.

Indeed, believing that robots can respond to external stimuli and adapt to the ever changing environment means staying open to the infinite possibility that robotics technology has in store for the future.

Standing in the corridors full of researchers, we realised something crucial: we were ready for ERF 2023. And we believe ERF 2023 was ready for MAPWORMS as well.

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